DOWNLOADS of Rhodesiana and Heritage

The RHODESIANA JOURNALS published by the forerunner to the History Society of Zimbabwe have been digitised and are hosted on a separate website. All 40 Journals published between 1956 and 1979 may be downloaded for private use.

To reach the webpage hosting the volumes of Rhodesiana you can copy the text: -

then paste it on your browser (e.g. Edge or Chrome) search bar then search. That should take you to the first of two pages where you can view or download volumes of Rhodesiana for personal use.

Your browser may report that the website you reach is "not secure" because its an "http" site whereas the site you are on now is registered as a more secure "https" site.

Volumes 21 to 40 of Rhodesiana may be viewed and downloaded from the secure site

Issues 21-40 of the Rhodesiana - Magazine about Rhodesia and Rhodesian History : Rhodesiana Society : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

If and when the site is made more secure then the link below will be reinstated

HERITAGE of Zimbabwe  JOURNALS published by the History Society of Zimbabwe

Volumes 1 to 25 were scanned from printed copies whilst Volumes 25 and newer were available as soft copies. They are all searchable, downloadable PDFs

You are advised to view or download the index below first if you are unsure of which volume to download free of charge or buy a printed copy of. This index covers Heritage volumes 1 to 41 (1981-2022). It also indexes Rhodesiana and some books that have reviewed.

Volumes of Heritage available for Download FREE OF CHARGE: -